raise a self confident child
Posted in Child rearing tips Maintain Discipline

How to raise a self-confident child?

How to raise a self confident child

Raising a self-confident child involves creating an environment that fosters their sense of worth, competence, and independence.

Strategies to help you raise a self-confident child

Unconditional Love and Acceptance: Show your child love and acceptance regardless of their successes or failures. Make sure they know that your love is not based on their achievements.

Encourage Autonomy: Allow your child to make age-appropriate decisions and choices. This helps them develop a sense of control and independence.

Praise Effort, Not Just Results: Focus on praising the effort your child puts into tasks, rather than solely the outcome. This teaches them that hard work is valuable.

Set Realistic Expectations: Set achievable goals that match your child’s abilities and developmental stage. This helps them experience success and build confidence.

Provide Opportunities for Mastery: Give your child opportunities to learn new skills and experience success. Mastery of tasks boosts their self-esteem.

Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate both small and big achievements in your child’s life. This reinforces their sense of accomplishment.

Model Self-Confidence: Demonstrate self-confidence in your own actions and decisions. Children often learn by observing their parents.

Encourage Positive Self-Talk: Teach your child to use positive and empowering language when talking about themselves.

Teach Problem-Solving: Help your child develop problem-solving skills by letting them find solutions to challenges. This builds their confidence in their ability to handle situations.

Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer feedback that is specific and focused on improvement, rather than criticism. Encourage your child to learn from mistakes.

Support Interests: Encourage your child to explore their interests and passions. This helps them develop a sense of competence and identity.

Value Individuality: Emphasize that everyone is unique and has their strengths. Celebrate your child’s individual qualities and talents.

Foster Resilience: Teach your child to bounce back from setbacks and failures. Resilience contributes to a strong sense of self.

Create a Safe Space for Expression: Let your child express their thoughts and feelings without judgment. This builds their self-esteem and communication skills.

Teach Empathy: Help your child understand and empathize with others’ feelings. This boosts their social skills and self-awareness.

Encourage Risk-Taking: Support your child in trying new things, even if they might fail. Learning to handle failure positively is a key part of self-confidence.

Positive Body Image: Promote a healthy body image by focusing on health and well-being rather than appearance.

Encourage Perseverance: Teach your child that challenges and setbacks are part of life, and encourage them to persevere through difficulties.

Remember that building self-confidence is an ongoing process. Tailor your approach to your child’s individual personality and needs. Be patient and consistent in your efforts to create a supportive and nurturing environment that helps your child develop a strong sense of self-worth.

FAQ’s about how to raise a self-confident child ?

Certainly, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about raising a self-confident child:

Q. What is self-confidence in children, and why is it important?

Ans. Self-confidence in children refers to their belief in their abilities and worth. It’s crucial because it contributes to their overall well-being, helps them face challenges, and builds resilience.

Q. How can I boost my child’s self-esteem from a young age?

Ans. You can boost your child’s self-esteem by providing love, encouragement, and opportunities for them to succeed. Praise their efforts, show interest in their activities, and provide a secure and supportive environment.

Q. What role does praise play in building self-confidence?

Ans. Praise, when used effectively, can boost self-confidence. It’s important to praise effort and specific achievements rather than offering empty or overly general compliments.

Q. Should I shield my child from failure and disappointment to protect their self-confidence?

Ans. No, failure and disappointment are part of life and can be valuable learning experiences. Encourage your child to face challenges and teach them how to handle setbacks constructively.

Q. How do I help my child develop resilience?

Ans. You can foster resilience by teaching your child problem-solving skills, encouraging a growth mindset, and providing support and guidance during difficult times.

Q. Is it okay to set high expectations for my child’s achievements to motivate them?

Ans. Setting high expectations is fine as long as they are realistic and achievable for your child’s age and abilities. Unrealistic expectations can lead to stress and erode self-confidence.

Q. What are some signs that my child may be struggling with low self-confidence?

Ans. Signs of low self-confidence can include social withdrawal, avoiding challenges, self-criticism, a fear of failure, and seeking constant approval.

Q. How can I help my child develop a positive self-image and body confidence?

Ans. Encourage a healthy lifestyle, focus on health rather than appearance, and provide a positive body image by avoiding negative comments about body size or appearance.

Q. Is it ever too late to work on improving my child’s self-confidence?

Ans. It’s never too late to work on improving self-confidence. Children, like adults, can continue to develop their self-esteem throughout their lives.

Q. What should I do if my child faces bullying or peer pressure that affects their self-confidence?

Ans. Provide emotional support, teach them coping strategies, and communicate with school authorities or relevant parties to address bullying or peer pressure issues.

Q. How can I balance building self-confidence with teaching humility and empathy?

Ans. Teach your child that humility and empathy are important qualities. Encourage them to be considerate of others and to recognize that everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

Q. Are there any resources or books I can use to learn more about raising a self-confident child?

Ans Yes, there are many books and online resources available that provide guidance on raising self-confident children. Some popular titles include “The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens” by Lisa M. Schab and “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” by Sean Covey.

Remember that raising a self-confident child is an ongoing process, and it’s important to adapt your approach to your child’s individual needs and personality.

Tags – Self-Confidence, Parenting Tips, Child Development, Positive Parenting, Building Self-Esteem, Resilience, Self-Efficacy, Confidence-Building Activities, Parenting Skills, Child Psychology, Self-Confident Kids, Emotional Development, Parenting Strategies, Nurturing Self-Esteem, Encouraging Independence, Developing Confidence, Positive Reinforcement, Parent-Child Relationship, Healthy Self-Image, Communication Skills,

Adapt Stubborn Children to Improve
Posted in Child caring essential

Adapt Stubborn Children to Improve

Adapt Stubborn Children to Improve
Adapt Stubborn Children to Improve

Adapt Stubborn Children to Improve

Let’s know the tips to adapt stubborn (mulish) children to improve. It is said that parents are the first teacher of the child. The child’s most time passes along with his parents and in the childhood, whatever the child learns, he learns from his parents only.

In this way, every parent wants that they give good care to their child and put a good ritual in them. Sometimes, when a child receives a complaint from the school and neighbors, people first raise their finger on the parents saying that the child’s parents have given the same rituals as the child is doing the same.

Although every parent gives good education to his child, but sometimes the child becomes very stubborn in nature and as soon as he is older, his temperament changes rapidly. If your child is mulish or you are seeing some different changes in his nature then know how to improve your child’s behavior.

Adapt stubborn (mulish) children to improve

Kinds of stubborn child

Children who have a habit of stubbornness, they repeatedly ask questions about everything, they are very intelligent and creative. They need that everyone listen to them and pay attention to them, they are very self-reliant. They can throw tantrums again and again and they like to lead and they try to bully others.

Do’s and Don’t with stubborn child –


Be nice to behave

When the child does vomit-direct action, do not take away all your anger by knocking him or scolding him. At that time you may find it the most effective way to improve your child but it has a bad effect on the child. It is settled in his gentle mind that whenever he react, he will be punished and he remains too stubborn. Therefore, be lovingly with your child. 

Become a role model and be friendly

Take care of the child’s likes and dislikes. Take out some time to play with your child and try to gain some knowledge regarding the field of interest. This will keep the baby closer to you and whenever you insist on it, you can easily explain it.

Teach your child something new everyday. If you are very busy, then take time out for the child at the end of the week. Never let the child feel lonely. When you take care of him, the child will find himself close to you and if he/she learn something wrong then you can easily explain it.

Surprise the child

Most children become more irritable due to some reason. Occasionally, due to lack of time with parents, they consider themselves to be more neglected in their home, due to which their behavior changes.

Try to appreciate for his/her good performance in the school.

Sometime try to bring the things which they wants and try to take them out with you as for shopping, movie, park, dinner and walk etc. At every moment, let them realize that parents have eyesight on every activity. Always try not to miss the opportunity to compliment them.

Handling stubborn children is not an easy task, in which case if you do not find a solution quickly then even a small thing can become a big struggle every day. You must have learned a lot about how to control the behavior of a stubborn child, but every day is a new challenge.

Disciplining a stubborn child may not be the best solution in all cases, finding an alternative solution to it may be more effective.


Avoid Arguing

Stubborn kids are always ready to argue so you don’t have to give them this opportunity. Instead listen to your child. When you start listening to him, he will also try to pay attention to you.

Don’t Shout

It is very important for parents that they should not shout at their children and if the children are stubborn then they should not do so at all. Your kids won’t make too much noise when you’re calm and you’ll be able to tell them the difference between right and wrong.

Psychology of stubborn children

If your child is very stubborn, first understand why he is so and what is the thing that is making him so stubborn. The determination of the child is a different matter and stubbornness is different. Determination is defined as ‘strong motive’ while being stubborn is ‘refusal to change thought, behavior and external pressure‘.

Persistence in children can be genetic or they can learn behavior by observing others. This can be adapted to suit this behavior in your child so that your child’s personality may be multifaceted in future.

Stubborn behavior can occur at any age – Childhood, or adolescence and this behavior can last until the age of an adult. It is important for you as a parent to handle your children in ways that do not put too much pressure on both of you and also help change his stubborn behavior.

Way’s to Handle stubborn children

Keep the peaceful environment at home

Make sure that your home is a place where your child feels happy, comfortable and safe at all times. Be polite to everyone in the house, especially to your spouse because children learn by watching you. They imitate what they see, so it is necessary that you keep peace and do not use argument and insulting words in front of the child.

Create and follow proper routine 

Staying regular on a weekly routine with daily can improve your child’s behavior as well as performance in school. Pay attention to the baby’s bedtime and it should be such that your child gets plenty of rest. Children between 3 and 12 years of age may have behavioral problems due to fatigue and lack of sleep.

Make your way of talking effective 

If Stubborn children ask for something, it is difficult for them to hear ‘no’. So instead of being rude try to explain them with love. For example, if your child insists on listening to two stories at bedtime, give him the option to explain that he can hear a story today and a story he can hear tomorrow.

Set rules, penalties and rewards 

Stubborn children need rules so set boundaries and clearly state your expectations in a family meeting. Ask your child its outcome as well as their perspective on each. Continuity is important, but there should be no rigidity at all.

It is also important to be gentle and generous at times, especially when you are on vacation or on occasions, when your child exhibits exemplary behavior. This shows them that following rules can be rewarded and its purpose is not harsh at all.

Assume practically before reacting –

Try placing yourself at the child’s place Look at any problem from the child’s point of view and try to understand why he is behaving like this. If you have promised him that you will take him for a walk in the park but perhaps you have not done so due to bad weather, then you will have to try to explain to him why it is not possible to fulfill the promise.

Your child will only see that you have broken the promise you made to him, but if you explain to him why you cannot go out and schedule another day to go out, then you can easily handle the situation.

Encourage positive behavior

Set an example from your behavior and demonstrate a positive attitude at all times. If you mostly use words like ‘no’, ‘can’t’, or ‘won’t’, your child is likely to do the same. Seeing the stubborn nature of your child from the point of view of improving his behavior rather than being negative and speaking randomly.

You can play a game of questions to the child in which he can answer by saying yes or no to the answer. Formulate your questions in such a way that their answers are mostly ‘yes’. This gives the message that the child listened to you and accepted it.

Prioritize child a choice and value his selection 

Asking the child what he wants to do can boost his stubbornness. Instead of doing this, you give him two options and give him the freedom to choose.

With this, your child will feel his own right over his life and can take any decision he wants freely. If you want your child not to be confused then you limit your choices and ask him to choose only one of two or three options.

For example – If you want your child to clean his room himself, instead of asking him ‘where do you want to start?’, Ask your child to clean the bed or cupboard in the room first.

Make a good connection and bonding 

Do not force the child to do what he does not want to do. By this the child can rebel against your words and he can insist on doing what he should not do. If you want your child to sit down doing his homework instead of watching TV, then try watching TV with the child for a while.

This will bring a sense of friendship in relation to both of you and after a while you can ask him if he will do his homework now and you take a book near him and start reading or do some other work. He will start reading after seeing you.

Distract attention –

There may be some situations in which you and your child do not agree with each other, for example a car seat. If the decision to go out does not align with you and your child’s wishes.

Distract them by telling them where you are going rather than how you are going. If this results in anger or resentment, then try to play the game in it too, by scheduling it or by involving other siblings as well.

Do not argue –

Stubborn children are always ready for arguments so do not give them an opportunity. Always listen to your child comfortably and turn it into a conversation rather than an argument. When you show your child that you are ready to listen to his or her side, there is an increased chance that he / she will be ready to listen to you.

Understand your Children’s mind

Sometimes children insist on getting attention from their parents. Maybe something is bothering your child and he doesn’t know how to talk to you. Here you should understand the actions of your children by seeing them. Sit quietly and talk to your child.

It is not that much wrong for small child to be stubborn, but it is wrong to insist on more to talk. This will have a bad effect on the future of the child as well. As day by day passed away, this habit will be included in his behavior. Further the child will become habitual.

To avoid this, parents should try to improve this habit in time. Getting the right lessons at the right time can shape your child’s future and make him a good person.


Don’t Shout

It is very important for parents that they should not shout at their children and if the children are stubborn then they should not do so at all. Your kids won’t make too much noise when you’re calm and you’ll be able to tell them the difference between right and wrong.

Psychology of stubborn children

If your child is very stubborn, first understand why he is so and what is the thing that is making him so stubborn. The determination of the child is a different matter and stubbornness is different. Determination is defined as ‘strong motive’ while being stubborn is ‘refusal to change thought, behavior and external pressure‘.

Persistence in children can be genetic or they can learn behavior by observing others. This can be adapted to suit this behavior in your child so that your child’s personality may be multifaceted in future.

Stubborn behavior can occur at any age – Childhood, or adolescence and this behavior can last until the age of an adult. It is important for you as a parent to handle your children in ways that do not put too much pressure on both of you and also help change his stubborn behavior.

Way’s to Handle stubborn children

Keep the peaceful environment at home

Make sure that your home is a place where your child feels happy, comfortable and safe at all times. Be polite to everyone in the house, especially to your spouse because children learn by watching you. They imitate what they see, so it is necessary that you keep peace and do not use argument and insulting words in front of the child.

Create and follow proper routine 

Staying regular on a weekly routine with daily can improve your child’s behavior as well as performance in school. Pay attention to the baby’s bedtime and it should be such that your child gets plenty of rest. Children between 3 and 12 years of age may have behavioral problems due to fatigue and lack of sleep.

Make your way of talking effective 

If Stubborn children ask for something, it is difficult for them to hear ‘no’. So instead of being rude try to explain them with love. For example, if your child insists on listening to two stories at bedtime, give him the option to explain that he can hear a story today and a story he can hear tomorrow.

Set rules, penalties and rewards 

Stubborn children need rules so set boundaries and clearly state your expectations in a family meeting. Ask your child its outcome as well as their perspective on each. Continuity is important, but there should be no rigidity at all.

It is also important to be gentle and generous at times, especially when you are on vacation or on occasions, when your child exhibits exemplary behavior. This shows them that following rules can be rewarded and its purpose is not harsh at all.

Assume practically before reacting

Try placing yourself at the child’s place Look at any problem from the child’s point of view and try to understand why he is behaving like this. If you have promised him that you will take him for a walk in the park but perhaps you have not done so due to bad weather, then you will have to try to explain to him why it is not possible to fulfill the promise.

Your child will only see that you have broken the promise you made to him, but if you explain to him why you cannot go out and schedule another day to go out, then you can easily handle the situation.

Encourage positive behavior

Set an example from your behavior and demonstrate a positive attitude at all times. If you mostly use words like ‘no’, ‘can’t’, or ‘won’t’, your child is likely to do the same. Seeing the stubborn nature of your child from the point of view of improving his behavior rather than being negative and speaking randomly.

You can play a game of questions to the child in which he can answer by saying yes or no to the answer. Formulate your questions in such a way that their answers are mostly ‘yes’. This gives the message that the child listened to you and accepted it.

Prioritize child a choice and value his selection 

Asking the child what he wants to do can boost his stubbornness. Instead of doing this, you give him two options and give him the freedom to choose.

With this, your child will feel his own right over his life and can take any decision he wants freely. If you want your child not to be confused then you limit your choices and ask him to choose only one of two or three options.

For example – If you want your child to clean his room himself, instead of asking him ‘where do you want to start?’, Ask your child to clean the bed or cupboard in the room first.

Make a good connection and bonding 

Do not force the child to do what he does not want to do. By this the child can rebel against your words and he can insist on doing what he should not do. If you want your child to sit down doing his homework instead of watching TV, then try watching TV with the child for a while.

This will bring a sense of friendship in relation to both of you and after a while you can ask him if he will do his homework now and you take a book near him and start reading or do some other work. He will start reading after seeing you.

Distract attention

There may be some situations in which you and your child do not agree with each other, for example a car seat. If the decision to go out does not align with you and your child’s wishes.

Distract them by telling them where you are going rather than how you are going. If this results in anger or resentment, then try to play the game in it too, by scheduling it or by involving other siblings as well.

Do not argue

Stubborn children are always ready for arguments so do not give them an opportunity. Always listen to your child comfortably and turn it into a conversation rather than an argument. When you show your child that you are ready to listen to his or her side, there is an increased chance that he / she will be ready to listen to you.

Understand your Children’s mind

Sometimes children insist on getting attention from their parents. Maybe something is bothering your child and he doesn’t know how to talk to you. Here you should understand the actions of your children by seeing them. Sit quietly and talk to your child.
It is not that much wrong for small child to be stubborn, but it is wrong to insist on more to talk. This will have a bad effect on the future of the child as well. As day by day passed away, this habit will be included in his behavior. Further the child will become habitual.
To avoid this, parents should try to improve this habit in time. Getting the right lessons at the right time can shape your child’s future and make him a good person.

Resilience, Flexibility, Adaptability, Parenting strategies, Understanding stubbornness, Effective communication, Patience, Empathy, Positive reinforcement, Setting boundaries, Problem-solving skills, Emotional intelligence, Encouragement, Consistency, Role modeling, Open-mindedness, Growth mindset, Creative solutions, Supportive environment,