Parent child relationship building 2022
Posted in Generate Touch Feeling

Parent child relationship building 2022


Parent child relationship building 2022
Parent child relationship building 2022

Parent child relationship building 2022

Becoming parents is a very beautiful feeling. Generally as a couple becomes parents, They starts to feel like a completion of life. But in real terms, it’s not the life completion, this is the next stage of life. It is a new beginning and responsibilities also increases. After becoming a parent, a new challenge is to become a good parent and giving a best up-bringing to their child.

While developing a relationship, then we need to go through with all aspects in detail. In depth it will help you as bonding and values of Parent child relationship building 2022. The relationship we have with our parents, siblings and extended family are life long. Foundation for our development and learning also contribute to our till now well-being.

Families are where we make our first relationships and develop a sense of self. Rather it is through the learning about relationship and oneself child develops resilience. Parents need to build-up strong bonding with kids, than only kids feel valued. Parents need to make awareness about good or bad behave, treat or touch. While raising up, strengthen them in accordance to the society and life up-downs.

Effects of parental relationship on child

An untold distance between a parent and child has vanished away in today’s time. Today’s parents like to call themselves children’s friends. They want children to share everything with them, there is no distance between them.

Parent child relationship building

If friendly relations between children and parents remain in a circle, then it will not break. But it doesn’t mean that, Parents didn’t know about when the children cross the limits.

Practical Assessment 

12 year old son’s parents came to doctor almost crying. Their son studies in seventh grade in a renowned school. Single child From the beginning, he met every need. His father is a Businessman. At the behest of his son, he took a big car, took Plasma TV.

A year when mother was scolding for low grades in sixth, he raised his hand on the mother. This is not the first time that – son has raised his hands on mother or father. Earlier he used to do this when not taking to cinema, not feeding pizza. But on the first scolding of the law, he abused the mother and killed her.

Resolving Strategy 

Child psychologist says that almost fifteen parents a month bring the same problem. She believes that the day child first raises hand over the parents, it is very important to stop it. Even if it is for a minor thing like stubbornness. As a result, now a days children are not growing like a garden bud, but are growing like a non-sensitized machine. Those who get higher education will one day go abroad.

They usually send check, money and gifts to their parents, and they themselves may not be able to come. Because during childhood they didn’t realize sensation and fragrance of relationship. Always a conflict and contradiction between the concept learned in childhood and surroundings. He accepts and understood the result of the conflict as his concept and reflects in his behavior.

Importance of parent child relationship building 2022

In growing age, children have school friends, family, playground companions etc. You let them know the right and wrong relationship. How is your relationship with your child, it affects your child’s health. In a study, we found that the effect of growing child in a up-scale family develop good physical health only.

On ground survey specifies – As good relationship may necessary to inspire daily activity. Studies show that if the child and parent relation is stressful, then there is no control over bad habits. Instead of such a proper diet, children prefer to eat more sugar or more oil. They also become irregular in sleeping and other everyday activities. It is important to have a healthy lifestyle and social, emotional development in children for a longer life.

Few research says that the effect of a good relationship between parents and children in financially weak homes increases their health. With the increasing age of the child, there is no negative impact on them due to low socio-economic level. Parents with less educated and weaker economic status take the help of constructive dialogue rather than threatening children or forcibly obeying, this increases the warmth in their relationships.

Parents also need to explain them that new relationships will be created in the journey of life, old ones will be exhausted, there is a lot of effort to make a lasting relationship with someone. You need to be careful in regard of trust level and on whom as well as till which extend child can rely-on.

Unhealthy relationship between parents and child

A new change is being seen in the society that the attachment of children with parents in family are ending at a very young age. Children want money and facilities from parents but do not tolerate their interference in their lives. Some children are so outspoken that they tell parents in very few words that they do not like any kind of restraint.

Seeing the problems reaching the counselors in schools, it is found that such behavior is becoming common in children from eighth to twelfth grade. In such a situation, parents are upset and resort to counselors. According to experts, today’s child has neither endurance nor attachment to parents.

The biggest reason for this is the inability of parents to fulfill their responsibilities towards children.

Parents think that earning money for the future of their child and putting them in good school, fully facilitating them and fulfilling their wishes – completes their responsibilities. But it is not so. In this way, feelings begin to dissipate inside the child and he also starts living a mechanical life. He likes to be with friends rather than family.

In the teen age, children have started accepting friends as the world. According to survey, mainly parents are so busy and always so tired that they are unable to pay attention to the children, trying to compensate for their emotional needs with money. In this endeavor, the child gradually begins to relate to him only as much as his needs are fulfilled and starts connecting his feelings with friends.

Experts Advisory 

Many times its ill effects also emerge. Many parents are taking the advice of experts regarding behavior change in children. According to neuro psychologist, such problems are becoming common in teenagers. She advises parents to take the children out of the mechanical life and bring them into the world of emotions so that it can increase their attachment and respect for the family.

In the changing times, the responsibilities of the parents have doubled but the parents are not able to fulfill them. At the age when children are definitely with them, they are unable to support them and they later regret it. As much as the need to earn money, the need is to give children a feeling of belonging is also required.

Today’s child is getting away from parents at an early age and is making friends his own world because his parents only think of making money. Parents have to understand that money cannot raise children, rather they need to give quality time, to support them in their happiness and troubles.

Strengthen relationship of parents and child

While mentioning about parent child relationship building 2022. The simple and easy elaborates or belongs to time immemorial, efforts to make the relationship between parents and children. Ideals are seen many times. Taking care of teenage child is a big challenge for parents. We can also termed it as a art in which they did not get training.  

I have done a lot’s of research and gone through with many cases, as well as with many surveys. Because many of the parents are worried about that how to understand fully and deeply the mentality of today’s youth. While developing or parenting of pre-teenager is not so tough.

During the child growth – (points to remember)

Along with physical growth (health and height) few other implication take place as – cerebral, social, spiritual and emotional. Most important at arise towards teen expressing your delight at verbal skills.  I have written many articles on child upbringing.

Again, while developing a child – the importance of parenting outcomes is must as –  I like to mention few useful tactics, which may help parents in understanding about – How to give children moral values, how to raise them, maintain discipline and courtesy etc. With the changing lifestyles of today, children are also changing.

Nowadays, the innocence of children is lost somewhere, it may be due to parents being more busy in their work, excessive pressure on children to compete in studies, more use of mobiles etc. This can also be due to the increasing age of the children and the gradual distance between the parents such as parents spending less time with the children, shouting at them repeatedly or bullying them and Impose one’s decision.

As parents, it is very important to understand that in this growing age, there is a need not be away from children but to become their friend. This is the age when children need their friends the most, but how to become friends of their children? For this, the changes that bring in some ways or behavior are, to understand them and adopt them as become friends of your children.

Initially, we need to get attached with them like a friend and we also need to stop scolding them every time. This rude, impolite, abrupt and arrogant Behavior generates a distance in every relationship. As the child grows up one need to trust them rather than doubting on them. If there is any kind of doubt then finish it instantly. Otherwise skepticism arises, which has no end.

We need to talk directly and openly to child regarding any kind of apprehension in our mind. We need to make a bonding of trust-worthy and confident. Parents needs to have a healthy discussion with children. Parents need to educate them about the life’s best and worst part and terms. Growing up Child can easily know that their parents or guardians are keeping eye on and judging them.

If they start feeling that they are being judged then the most probably the fear of sharing arise and this generate a gap in parent child relationship. So, do take care of your child by developing the strong relationship in between and become a bond of happy as well as lovingly life ahead.

Requirement of parents and kids relationship

Children are like buds in garden, so they should be taken care in a good way so that these children can decorate our society tomorrow. Now, in this scenario, if we assess, then both child and childhood are going through a strange situation.

After getting out of the mother’s lap, the child becomes big or made big without enjoying the innocent lanes and mistakes of childhood. Now there are many things responsible for this, But the initial thing that prevents her childishness is the pressure of the future, which pushes her to compete in a good and famous school with little steps,

Now how will that child feel good in her childhood, or Will be able to live, all his energy is spent in carrying the burden of his nomination and parents’ dreams. Many physical and mental changes take place inside children in growing age. The one who starts getting attracted towards other people, he wants to get away from the bullying of parents.

Due to such changes, children become closer to their friends, they keep away from parents. Therefore, it is important that at this growing age parents understand the changes coming in their children behavior and accordingly bring changes in self to treat and tackle them.

Values of relationship between child and parents

Parents haven’t been taking parenting seriously, since the last two decades. Middle-class parents are still overwhelmed by their child’s birth, until his adulthood. Parents try to provide everything that they did not get at their childhood. Whether it is studying in a good school, or video games, a luxurious birthday party or a trip abroad.

Children are getting a lot without asking and are getting indiscriminate competition, which generates an increasing expectations of parents and pressure to prove themselves. Children who are admitted to good schools are rewarded and those who cannot get admission are considered disparaged in the eyes of all.

To impose a child on the age of four or five years of being eligible – or unworthy – Is it not excessive with a child. I still remember the village landscape where the children used to pass between cows, enjoying nature’s juices, riding in bullock carts, playing games, dipping in rivers, till the age of 6-7 years.

Breaking the dung cake, eating mango and guava from trees, To be honest, these moments of childhood are very precious, which make us familiar with the beautiful form of life. But now in today’s age, children are afraid to touch the soil.

Implement child-parent relationship

It isn’t necessary to fulfil their stubbornness for become friends of the child. Rather, they should be given the right values ​​from the beginning. Explain to them the reason why it is wrong to behave rudely with elders. It is the responsibility of the parents, not the school, to make children sensitive.

If from the beginning they will be seduced by taking something with money, then they will not be able to respect human values. ‘Mother of kids  an engineer by profession, has no complaints with her children. She says, ‘My best friends are my children. Her son is fourteen years old and daughter is ten.

She told about that she share everything with them. Her husband had lost his job two years ago during recession. That year neither we were able to take the children out anywhere during summer vacation nor put them in summer classes. I had clearly told them that the financial conditions of the house were not good. Both children understood well.

They did not demand new clothes for the whole year, nor did ask to go out to watch movies or eat food. That year we could not even celebrate the children’s birthday. Mother found that children has suddenly become very matured by this incident. Now children starting to value money.


  1. Why is building a strong parent-child relationship important? A. Building a strong parent-child relationship is crucial because it lays the foundation for a child’s emotional and social development. It helps foster trust, security, and emotional well-being, which are essential for a child’s overall growth and happiness.
  2. How can I strengthen the bond with my child? A. You can strengthen the bond with your child by spending quality time together, actively listening to them, showing empathy and understanding, and being involved in their interests and activities. Open communication, praise, and positive reinforcement also play a significant role.
  3. What are some activities that can help improve the parent-child relationship? A. Activities like playing together, reading books, going on nature walks, cooking together, engaging in creative arts and crafts, and having regular family discussions can all contribute to improving the parent-child relationship.
  4. How do I build trust with my child? A. Building trust involves being consistent, keeping your promises, being supportive, and demonstrating reliability. Being a good listener and respecting your child’s feelings and opinions also contribute to building trust.
  5. What can I do if there are communication challenges with my child? A. If there are communication challenges, try to create an open and non-judgmental environment where your child feels comfortable expressing themselves. Be patient, encourage dialogue, and use active listening techniques to understand their perspective.
  6. How can I maintain a healthy balance between being a parent and a friend to my child? A. While it’s essential to have a close and trusting relationship with your child, remember that you are primarily their parent and authority figure. Maintain clear boundaries and provide guidance and discipline while still being supportive and approachable.
  7. What role does active listening play in the parent-child relationship? A. Active listening is vital in the parent-child relationship as it shows that you value your child’s thoughts and feelings. By actively listening, you can better understand their needs and concerns, which helps strengthen the emotional connection between you and your child.
  8. How can I repair a strained parent-child relationship? A. Repairing a strained relationship may take time and patience. Start by acknowledging any past mistakes and expressing your willingness to make positive changes. Be consistent, show genuine interest in your child’s life, and offer unconditional love and support.
  9. What are some signs of a healthy parent-child relationship? A. Signs of a healthy parent-child relationship include open and respectful communication, mutual trust, affection, shared interests, and a sense of security and emotional support.
  10. Is it ever too late to work on improving the parent-child relationship? A. No, it is never too late to work on improving the parent-child relationship. Even if there have been challenges in the past, making efforts to connect, communicate, and rebuild trust can have a positive impact on the relationship at any age.

Tags : – parent child relationship essay pdf, healthy parent child relationship article and therapy, parenting outcomes, parent child bonding activities, parent child relationship building activities, child parent relationship manual, define child rearing, relationship between parents and children, importance of parent in child development, tips to strengthen child – parent relationship, parents reaction during raising their child, bonding between kids and parents, rectification of parent child relations, relationships development, building the ambition national practice guidance on early, ways to be fantastic parent, #ParentChildRelationship, #BuildingBonds, #FamilyConnections, #StrongFamilyTies, #NurturingRelationships, #ParentingLove, #EmotionalConnection, #QualityTimeTogether, #ParentingSupport, #ParentingJourney, #UnconditionalLove, #OpenCommunication, #TrustandUnderstanding, #ParentingGoals, #ParentingMoments, #ParentingTips, #ParentingWisdom, #ParentingAdvice, #ParentingInspiration, #ParentingTogether,


About Family travelling preventions and precautions
Posted in Child caring essential

Family travelling preventions and precautions

About Family travelling preventions and precautions
About Family travelling preventions and precautions

About Family travelling preventions and precautions

Now a days families are part of a highly mobile society. They go out to work, shop and play. Mainly travel on vacations and moves out for family outings every year. Busy parents try to make each trip as enjoyable, convenient, and safe as possible for their kids and themselves. Start out with a list of places to go and things to do, and plan the best route to make your trip as efficient as possible. Pile library books, shopping lists and other supplies in a special place near the door where you won’t forget them shopping with a small child or with several children is not an easy task.

Many parents try to shop alone for big grocery orders, and some say they’re able to save sitters fees because of careful comparison shopping they’re able to do without kids along. For older children, though, a trip to the store can be a learning experience in terms of nutrition and economy.

About holiday with family

Adults may be able to throw a few things into a bag and dash off, but not when kids are coming along. Traveling while caring of babies six months or younger is fairly easy, since they take long naps and don’t move around much. With older children, you need to plan carefully.

About Family travelling preventions and precautions

Take care of everyone’s priorities. It is known that when you do not earn, it is very difficult for you to put your priorities first. So try to convince others about your favorite places and convince them so that they do not ignore your thoughts. Human nature has been roaming since the creation. Man has made many journeys from one place to another. His curious mind has been taking him from one place to another.

After the wooden wheel was invented, it became slightly more dynamic. He was more comfortable moving from one place to another. He started to travel more distance than before. However, the earlier humans used to move from one place to another to earn a living. His main purpose was to fill his stomach.

To have a great time and ideas you can also look for “families on the go magazine”. Tourism is considered to be very important for the development and happiness of human beings, satisfaction and knowledge of peace in Indian oriental texts. Choose accommodation that offers a one- or two-bedroom suite instead of a standard hotel room with two beds. You will pay a little more for this facility, but a good night’s sleep is the main component of a successful family trip.

Consider about – If everyone is kept in one room, you will be likely to go to sleep with your children. Now, if it’s been a long journey day and what sleep is, you’re after it, it won’t be an issue. However, if you want to have a drink, read a book, watch a movie, or have a conversation, it is best to book accommodation that will give you and your children separate sleeping areas.

Family and vacation stocks

What to pack for family vacation Checklist

It is hard to travel light with children. Clothing, food and toys take lots of space, but imaginative packing pays off. A backpack and/or umbrella stroller is well worth the space taken up. Older children enjoy selection and packing the things they want to bring. You’ll need to set limits as to types, sizes, and number of toys allowed. While making a note on “Family travelling preventions and precautions” , take only what fits in your child’s backpack or suitcase.

  • Simplify the project by designing specific lifehacks for specific items. Put children’s clothing on top for easy access if you’re sharing suitcases.
  • Pack a few of your baby’s things to make strange surroundings seem more familiar.
  • Use a see-through lingerie case with zippered pockets and a hanger for small items for babies and parents. The bag is easily moved and hang, also the contents are visible.
  • Pack several large plastic bags. They can be used for soiled laundry and to protect the sheets of the occasional bed-wetter. Or bring a bath hug with rubber backing to lay down on top of a sheet. It rolls up easily for travel.
  • Let your baby’s quilt double as a changing pad. Slip it in a pillowcase and tie a ribbon around it for easy transportation.
  • Use duffel bags for kid’s clothes and toys. They fit more easily into the car, trunk, or overhead compartment on a plane. A nylon duffel bag can be used for wet or soiled diapers, since it’s washable. It’s is also good for wet clothes and bathing suits.
  • Save space by bringing inflatable toys. When not in use, they can be deflated and tucked away.
  • Pack disposable diapers in the corner of suitcase to save the space a big bag.

Family road trip packing list

  • Set your baby’s infant seat in the stroller, if your child isn’t old enough to sit up.
  • Use a baby harness or toddler wrist leash if your toddler is tired of the stroller. Embroider it or sew on appliques to make to look more personalized and less like leash.
  • Take booster seat in the theater so your older (yet small) child can see the screen without being in your lap. He’ll be more comfortable, too. When the booster seat is outgrown for home use, keep it in your car for spur of the moment movie outings.
  • Ride the subway in the front or back of the train so your kids can watch the tracks racing by. Let your kids try to figure out which stop is their so they can learn their way around. Let them sit a few seats away and pretend they’re travelling alone, if they want to. It will make them feel grown-up and they may pay closer attention to the route.

Go shopping with kids

  • Share a handful box of tops-pants (clothing) for your child and ask to making match. Do ask for color combination with additional accessories. Prepare a grocery list with additional exemplary pictures and follow the list with involvement of your child.
  • Due to obstinate or wayward child, While granting permission for major purchase. Keep the money in an envelope at least for a week. If your child still ask after waiting for a week, buy it. Mainly child mind and interest keeps on change quickly, and this helps avoid impulse buying.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to teach your child about nutrition, also with a add-on detailed explanation of item properties along with comparison to similar products.
  • When ever you child ask for Junk food or something unhealthy than sometime say no and brief about why not to have as well as harmful during growing age.
  • Try to manage caring, concern and emotional bonding, for easy understanding.

Let’s go shopping lesson plan

Get your self dressed first to avoid setting out with an overheated baby or toddler. Keep a few disposable diapers in your glove compartment, just in case. Tuck a packaged towelette and a plastic bag inside each diaper to make cleanup and disposal easier. Keep extra diapers and wipes at grandmas house, too. For unplanned visits hook some large safety pins on your key chain, you might need them for diapers or quick clothing pinup.

Change your baby on a blanket in the open trunk or hatchback of a car, or on the tailgate of station wagon or SUV, instead of couching uncomfortably in the back seat. Use an adults belt or an elastic stretch belt as a shopping cart safety, if the cart doesn’t have one. If your baby is too small to sit in the grocery cart, try sitting him in one of the little carry-along shopping basket provided. Set the basket in the child seat of the shopping cart. Try to choose a cart with a special baby seat. Keep your baby in an infant seat placed inside the cart.

Keep a restless older child entertainer with a long strip of transparent tape on his finger. If you don’t have any in your purse, ask a store worker or cashier for a piece, carry small toys or a pacifier in your purse or pocket, and attach them securely to the shopping cart with shower contain ring or a short piece of yarn or elastic. (Make sure the yarn or elastic isn’t long enough to fit around your baby’s neck.) Attach rattles and other small to stroller handles and car seats same way. Try this on the highchair too. So your baby can play with toys. Stuffed animals can wear cheap cat collars with yarn leashes.

Cover your shopping cart handle with a two-foot length of plastic tubing or a shower rod cover to protect your teething infant, or make a Terry cloth handle. Wrap with Velcro so you don’t have to worry about germs. Give your kids something to eat, since the of food sometimes begets a desire for it. Bring a snack or lunch, or buy something nutritious at the store. Avoid the ”Can I have this?” question by giving your child one dollar to spend. Deciding what to buy will keep him occupied. Invest in a fold-up poo seat adapter for a toilet-trained (or almost toilet-trained) child. It turns any adult toilet into a comfortable toilet for a child.

Make travel packing easier

Travelling stag, we rarely had reservations in advance. Part of the adventure is coming without a plan and allowing the moment to guide you, right? The concern with this travel style is that when you have children, you have to consider their threshold to be uncomfortable. Do favor for yourself and your children.

So, Make hotel and transportation reservations timely to avoid unnecessary hassle. Walking the streets for hours looking for a hotel room or waiting an extra six hours at a train station is not the best time, let alone when you add a queer child to the situation. Not pretty, Do not assume that a crib or high chair will be available in the rental of your hotel or apartment. Call ahead to confirm availability, even if the hotel website states that it has cribs on hand (they may be used by another guest during they stay)

Keywords – child parents outingfamilies on the gofamily outinggoing for shoppingparenting techniquestips to generate parental relation and bonding

Brief about Tackle siblings enmity and jealousy
Posted in Generate Touch Feeling

Tackle siblings enmity and jealousy

Brief about Tackle siblings enmity and jealousy
Brief about Tackle siblings enmity and jealousy

Brief about Tackle siblings enmity and jealousy

While focusing about child enmity and jealousy, parents need to be concern about child’s emotions and feelings. It’s impossible to make child stop feeling emotions like jealousy and need to win. Knowing that there are times when you dislike someone, your love is realistic and healthy. It’s usually best to let children resolve themselves since most fighting is done to proud parents into doing some thing of course, there are times when you must interfere for safety’s sake or when you just can’t stand any more fighting.

  • The hardest job to raise children ?
  • Is this a big challenge for mothers ?
  • How to take action in these cases ?
  • What should mothers do to make them listen to, teach each other, to respect differences, understand boundaries, and resolve natural difficulties ?

To deal with is jealousy between siblings. Even trying their best to show equal love for each other, there is always unmatched competition between them, especially when they are young. See some tips and suggestions on how to get around the situation of sibling controversy.

Jealousy between siblings Psychology

According to psychoanalysts, a situation arises when a person feels lonely, has a fear of losing something he loves (such as business, the loss of power, the fear of being sidelined, etc.), he feels that among all. He was as popular as ever.

In such a situation, when his own siblings start winning the game, he is unable to tolerate it and in his mind the feeling of jealousy that comes from childhood and comes in many ways. Sometimes by accusing each other or sometimes by quarreling, they get angry and starts bulling or harassing each other. On the other hand, Rivalry has also been seen in the two daughters or two sons.

What causes jealousy between siblings

Parents irritate a child by comparing between two children. The happiness of the second child comes first to the child because it is a unique experience for him. He also loves the new child, but when everyone is more focused on the other child, he starts feeling insecure. Then the first child starts to feel alone. He feels that his right has been taken away from him, such as his room, toys, mother’s lap, etc.

Because of jealousy, he starts doing strange acts with another child. For example, to kill him in private, to intimidate, to spoil his work, not to let himself get ahead of him. In most cases it has been observed that there is less sense of sibling rivalry in a sibling relationship than two brothers or two sisters.

Naturally, brothers and sisters have different personalities, their hobbies, desires and ways of working are different. This is why the comparison between the siblings is less, while the comparison between the two sisters is more. In the same way, comparing between two brothers, it is said that how good one is in education and the other does not have time to play.

This kind of comparison done in childhood leads to a feeling of rivalry between brothers and sisters and many times there are distances. As age progresses, jealousy grows in them. While siblings’ hobbies vary. They also have fewer fights over clothes, books and toys, so the relationship between them remains cordial. If parents fail to handle this childhood jealousy properly, then it has to suffer serious consequences later.

You cannot separate thinking like jealousy in a child and a feeling of being superior to others. There are times when you feel badabout your loved one. Sometimes there is a quarrel among the siblings due to toys and sometimes due to some game, which not only worsens the home environment, but also increases the difficulties of parents. More love or support for one child or making all rules for the same child can lead to a rift between siblings. Battles between sibling are most frequent due to the different behavior of the parents.

Parents intervene in sibling arguments

Parent Involvement If there is a lot of quarrel or debate and children are unable to reach any conclusion then in this situation you should come in the middle. You should not favor one, but listen to both and know where the debate started. When both are calm, talk to them one by one and tell them what you want to say. Instead of justifying one child, ask both to find a solution otherwise terrifying or pernicious situations get raised.


Do not interrupt in a fightWhen the battle has escalated, you should not interrupt. At the same time, you also have to avoid favoring any one during this time. Instead of justifying either one, try to calm both. Make some rules to increase love and mutual understanding between children.

Let them to resolve
If the child comes to you when a quarrel, give him a chance to solve his problems on his own. By doing this, children will learn to solve their relationships and problems on their own and become self-reliant. At the same time, if the parents continue to reconcile each time, the children will not try to normalize anything by themselves.

Childhood becomes very easy and fun when there are siblings. If there is a lot of love among the siblings, then the atmosphere of the house is also good and there is love in the family, but there is often a fight between the children over small things. It is very wrong to compare among your own children. If you also compare between your children or say one is better than the other, then stop doing so. Every child is different. Every child has different abilities and achievements, from education to sports. Instead of comparing it to sibling, let the child develop his skills.

Solving a quarrel between children is one thing, but as a parent, you have to build a foundation for children to love each other from a young age. If you teach them to give up for each other and take care of each other’s happiness and needs, the love between them will never decrease even if there is a fight. In any case, quarrel is the foundation of a siblings relationship, but it has to be laid by the parents in order to not dominate the relationship.

Sibling conflict resolution strategies

  • Suggest a new activity when your kids are squabbling a lot boredom often leads to quarrels.
  • Try distractions when you see that an older child is getting frustrated with a young one. Say, “Quick, l need you! Please come help me. “
  • Spray glass cleaner on the inside and outside of a stumbling glass door or a ground level window. Place your fighting children on opposite sides, and give each one a dry cloth. By the time the glass is dry, the kids will be laughing.
  • End a verbal argument by having your kids sing their complaints to each other.
  • Ask your kids ideas to solve the problem. Let them think of special ways they can accommodate each other. Even if their ideas don’t ultimately work, your kids will be trying to resolve their differences.
  • Get out the camera and take a pretend (or actual) photo of your kids “fighting,” to diffuse the situation. Then take picture of them hugging. Let them mug for another photo, if they want to.
  • Get up and leave the house, if you can, or at least consider the bathroom as a refuge. Like temper tantrums, fighting often stops when there’s no audience.
  • Send each quarreling child to a different corner of the room, and have them sit facing each other. Tell them they must speak calmly and stay put until they give each other permission to leave. Negotiations usually lead to peace.
  • Have quarreling children mention five nice qualities about each other. Mutual compliments often end the war.
  • Remove the object of disagreement, or separate your children. Not being allowed to play together (or with the dispute toy) may motivate them to resolve their differences.

Sibling hatred Syndrome

  • Don’t label a child “selfish” or show disapproval over unwillingness to share. Make a point of sharing yourself, and make sure about your children observant and noticed the same.
  • Make sure your children have right to their own things. It’s hard for them to share if they’re not secure and guilt free about ownership. Allow them not to share certain things, if they wish.
  • Let one child cut the cake or divide the treat, and let the other child get first pick, if they are fighting about fairness.
  • Tell your child who doesn’t want to share, “when you’re finished playing with the toy, your sister (or brother) may have it.” This lets your child know someone’s waiting, but eliminates the distress of giving up the toys.
  • Set a timer to ring when it’s time to exchange toys
  • Assign each child a special day or days (like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) when the child can make certain decisions, select menus, be first at something and so on.
  • Play the “stone game .”put a small stone in one hand, the child who picks the correct hand gets first choice.
  • Avoid fights over similar objects such as pails , shovels, and balls by assigning a color to each child and buying those items in the assigned color.

The only way to tackle siblings enmity and jealousy is to have only one child a certain amount of jealousy and squabbling is normal between siblings.

Keywords – define child rearingdevelop love relation in siblingsiblings rearingtackle enmity behaviortackle siblings enmity and jealousy

About New born baby (infant) care
Posted in Child caring essential

New born baby (infant) care

About New born baby (infant) care
About New born baby (infant) care

About New born baby (infant) care

Don’t worry if you don’t feel overwhelming love for your infant immediately. It often takes time, perhaps months, for real parental love to develop. Relax and enjoy the developing bond between you and your baby. Despite the newness of caring for your first baby, it won’t take you long to become an old hand at baby care. Babies don’t arrive with attached instructions, but they do express their needs loud and clear.

Luckily, they don’t realize that everything you do is just as new for you as it is for them. Having a baby is like entering a long tunnel. You can’t see the end and you wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into. You emerge five years later having had less sleep than you might have wished, but thinking it wasn’t that tough after all.

About New born baby (infant) care

The difficult days become difficult to remember. The relationship between mother and child is priceless. No one can know this relationship better than mother. Initially, baby should be taken care very carefully. When the child cries, general prediction is that he is suffering from something, but it isn’t so. While taking care of your newborn baby, pay special attention to few things as –

  • Baby’s cry
  • Massage of the child
  • Feeding the baby
  • Bathing the baby
  • Hygienically cleaning baby clothes
  • Health and safety
  • Breastfeeding the baby
  • Baby skin care essentials

Adjusting to life with new born

  • Turn the telephone ringer off when you don’t want to hear it, or disconnect the phone if it doesn’t have a ringer switch.
  • Use paper plates and cups to minimize housework, or have your helpers do the dishes. This is not the time to prove you can do it all and that nothing has changed.
  • Put an extension phone in your baby’s room, or carry a cordless phone while taking care of your child.
  • Buy or make a “Do Not Disturb” sign, and hang it on your front door whenever. Or create a personalized sign such as “Ssssh! Baby and Mommy are Resting!”
  • To avoid answering the phone when you don’t want to, record the details of your baby’s birth on your telephone answering machine or voice messaging service. You may wish to add the best time to call. (You should be sleeping when your baby is.)
  • Get support from friends and relatives who’ve had babies, or become involved in community parent groups.
  • Make an effort to create “parents only” time each day (a late dinner after your baby goes to bed, a walk around the block while a friend or relative watches your baby, a five-minute telephone call during the day, and so on).

Newborn baby care after birth

Immediately after the birth of your baby, first consult the feeding expert and understand how to feed the newborn. Elderly people can also help you on what to take care of while breastfeeding. Keep the newborn away from more people as there is a risk of infection. When touching a newborn baby, make sure that hands should be always clean because the immune system of the young child is very weak. Holding the baby with dirty hands may be infectious.

Do not move your baby too hard, it can cause brain bleeding. If you need to wake the baby up, do not shake. While caring for a newborn baby, remember to keep the baby close to mother because baby gets heat from the mother’s body. During New Born Baby Care Tips, keep in mind that the baby should not be fed water in the first 6 months. It is a misconception among people that children feel thirsty even after breastfeeding.

The infant should be fed breast milk within the half hour of birth. The mother’s first yellow milk, called colostrum, gives the baby the power to fight many diseases. For six months after birth, mother’s milk is the only food for the baby. Breastfed babies develop well for the first six months. They are protected from infection. In addition to mother’s milk, children above six months should also be fed upper diet. Immediately after birth, the infant should be given polio medication along with BCG and hepatitis vaccine.

1 year baby care tips

All newborns should be massaged with baby massage oil. This strengthens the baby’s muscles and bones. While massaging, keep in mind that massage with light hands only. The first few weeks after the birth of the baby, they should be well wrapped in cloth. Swallowing is called wrapping your baby in a cloth. Swaddling provides warmth, protection and comfort to newborns.

> First of all, spread a thick towel and fold one corner slightly upwards.
> After that lay the baby’s head on the folded part. Then fold the cloth on both sides and wrap the child.
> Tuck the bottom cloth directly into the straightness of the baby’s mouth by folding it comfortably.
Remember do not tie the clothes too tight as it will make it difficult for the baby’s legs to stretch.

While discussing about – New born Baby (infant) Care – as follows the birth of a baby, it’s important to remember that everyone has adjustments to make. If it’s your first child, you’ll have new rules to try out if you have another children, than caring seems little easy. Along with the excitement and pride, stress and fatigue also begins. You’re apt to demand a great deal of yourself, which can take its toll on those around you. Take care of your personal needs so you can help others take care of theirs. Be especially good to your partner during this time, and put off your big decisions, if possible.

Baby care tips for new moms

  • After bathing, gently dab the tender area with a soft towel, or use a hair dryer.
  • Get a robe that buttons all the way down the front. It’ll be easier to get in to and out of than one that opens only part way down.
  • Protect your incision while nursing by putting a regular pillow or a C-shaped pillow in your lap, or by putting your arm underneath your baby and holding baby’s head at your breast.
  • Stay in bed as much as you can. Keep your baby in a bassinet or crib near your bed, and keep a good supply of diapers and baby clothes nearby.
  • Try making a play pen of your bed if you must care for a toddler, too. Keep plenty of toys and books within reach.

Abdominal pain and hard stomach after C-section

  • Don’t vacuum for a couple of months. The movements involved are hard on abdominal muscles. (It’s a good job for a father, partner or other family member.)
  • Many mothers claim that rocking in a chair an hour more each day relieves abdominal discomfort and intestinal gas.
  • Avoid bending down when dressing or changing your baby. Use an elevated changing table instead of a bed or other lower surface.
  • Use your foot as a lever to raise your toddler off the floor when you’re in a chair or bed, instead of learning down to pick your child up.
  • Avoid holding your baby in one arm while doing things around the house, until your muscles are stronger if your baby is fussy and wants attention, consider a mechanical baby swing.

Postnatal health education for mothers

  • Get a robe that buttons all the way down front. It’ll be easier to get in to and out of than one that opens only part way down the front. It’ll be easier to get in to and out of than one that opens only part way down.
  • Wear comfortable, protective underwear to keep lose clothing from rubbing against your incision, unless loose clothing alone is not irritating.
  • After bathing, gently dab the tender area with a soft towel, or use a hair dryer.
  • Protect your incision while nursing by putting a regular pillow or a C-shaped pillow in your lap, or by putting your arm underneath your baby and holding her head at your breast.
  • try making a playpen of your bed if you must care for a toddler, too. Keep plenty of toys and books within reach.

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